Every year since I began creating things for my online shop, I tell myself that I REALLY need to get started early so that I can have a special “giftables” stocking.
And then every year fall comes, and goes, much too quickly, and I miss my opportunity.
And then I kick myself, hard, very very hard.
Since I’m in Canada, I don’t like to stock giftables, for the sake of being used as Christmas gifts, after October. I like customers to have their giftables in hand LONG before Christmas! I’ve learned over the years, because just about every single year SOMETHING for SOMEONE on my Christmas list does not show up on time, that it’s best to do your online Christmas shopping VERY early!
So this is why I have this kind of ‘unspoken’ rule about getting the Christmas types of giftables into the shop before November!
Let me tell you, was I EVER glad I finally did it this year!
It was SO much fun creating so many different kinds of items over the past few weeks!

Even the girls were inspired to work extra hard, and get extra creative!

Shaylah’s Duckling.

Julia’s Facial Gift Sets.

Elsa’s Cotton Ball Sets.
I always enjoy making baby items!

And items for the entire family, like our comfort tissues!

I always hope that items such as these will help those who are maybe a little ‘uneasy’ about cloth pads, to at least make one small step into the world of reusable cloth!

Wash cloths are another great item EVERYONE needs!

And who doesn’t like super soft, and super luxurious?!
It’s also a great way to introduce EVERYONE to cloth, not only the women & girls!

Kitchen cloths are also something EVERYONE needs kitchen cloths.
And then, there’s simple luxury, the kind of luxury that just says “ahhhh…” at the end of a long day.

Yes, having a great big giftables stocking was a LOT of fun!
We ‘might’ be able to add a few more giftables this week, but we’ll have to wait and see.
My husband is coming for a 5 day visit in just TWO days (but who’s counting right?), and there’s SO much to do before he gets here, top of the list, get things ready for our taxes. How romantic right?
I’ve also got a date night planned though, thanks to all of YOU, my wonderful customers who helped me the FLASH SALE last night a huge success!
So stay tuned this week! I’d love to say I’ll burn the midnight oil to get giftables done, but unfortunately I seem to be feeling the affects of being 40 lately. No, I’m not OLD, but I am old-ER and I just can’t seem to keep up with myself anymore. All these early morning shifts my older two kids have may be contributing to that. Ha! Thank goodness they will BOTH soon have their licence! I’ll be jumping up and down for joy and sleeping in for a month!
Not really on the sleeping in for a month part, but it’s fun to dream…