First off, since it’s getting so close to Christmas and I know so many are very busy, I want to take a moment now to wish each and everyone of you a
VERY Merry Chrsitmas!
From our family, to you and yours!

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, but I’m not sure it’s going to happen here on Vancouver Island! I do see some snow in the forecast though, but so far it’s just been rain. Hopefully that will change!
How about you? Are you going to be having a white Christmas? Is that a good thing for you, or not?
Since Christmas is so close, ‘Tis the season to be jolly! Right?
Well, if you have a business, and your husband is out of work, and it’s Christmas time, and you still don’t have the funds together for gifts to be put under the tree, it’s also the season to panic!
Get creative!
The only problem is… time. Time is always the issue!
I haven’t had any!
Things have been SO busy (which is good, really, I am so VERY grateful for each and EVERY one of our customers!) that I still have not had time to get the children’s Christmas gifts made. Plus, I wanted to do something special in the shop.
So, I had two choices. Either I could spend more time trying to dye some more drool worthy bamboo velour to entice you all into my shop on Friday, meaning I’d be busy all week yet again, and yet again, have a week go by without my children’s gifts being made…
This morning I suddenly realized that I could instead, have a sale! We have been putting SO much stock into the shop in the last while, that there’s still a fair amount of selection in there! Lots of pretty colors in all sorts of sizes and styles.
However, I still wanted to add some new pretties as well! But, if we stocked on Friday, as per usual, it’d be Christmas Eve, and all of you would be busy spending time with your families, instead of spending time with us! Which is totally how it should be of course!
So… this weekend I’ve spent every spare minute creating some more products in pretty swirl dyes, and some of our newest colorways like the mystic rainbow gem, to put in the shop for Tuesday afternoon. An early stocking!
Plus, I’m going to add a coupon code for a sale! As my gift to you! This will be the first time we’ve ever had swirl dyed pads on sale!
I really need to do this because I really need some slow down time, to finish (who am I kidding, to even START) these gifts for my family, however, we can’t afford to just have me take the time off. Having a Tuesday stocking will give me a few days of ‘non-business’ related sewing time before Christmas. I’m also hoping to squeeze in some time to do a bit of Christmas baking.
Yes, things have been that busy, I’m THAT far behind with the festivities. We didn’t get our tree until yesterday, and it’s still not decorated! Our tradition every year is to get it on or around the twins birthday on the 8th, but it was either a couple of gifts, or the tree. Financially we just couldn’t do both that week! We have it now though. So glad! Better late then never right? But for Christmas gifts, being that today is the 19th, and I won’t be finished business things until at least Tuesday, I had better get going on all this. There are still a few custom orders left to finish up and then it’s time to concentrate on family for a while.
So I invite you to stop by our shop this week when you’re not busy with your own holiday festivities!
The coupon code for the sale will be: holiday15
And will give you 15% off your entire purchase (not including shipping). It has already been created so it’s good as of now, Sunday, Dec. 19th at 7:00 pm pst (10:00 pm est). This sale is not retroactive and can not be combined with any other coupon codes. The sale will continue through this weeks stocking on Tuesday. If you want to wait to see what new goodies we’ll have this week, check out the hyenacart shop on Monday night when we put up our previews.
Otherwise, feel free to use the coupon code now either at our hyenacart shop:
Or our etsy shop:
And enjoy!
We hope you will feel blessed with the coupon code, as you have blessed us this entire past year. Our family truly does appreciate your continued support!