It’s been a while since I’ve posted on the blog!
Yikes! Facebook has become my favorite place to share upcoming stockings etc. because it’s so quick and easy, and everyone is right there and able to reply on the spot! I’ve just asked on facebook what our customers would like to see in upcoming stockings. Come on over for a visit if you’d like to have some input!
I love writing and sharing lots of photos too though, so I really shouldn’t neglect my blog. 🙂
Recently, my husband and I took our three youngest children (dd 12 and twin dd’s 10) on vacation. It was the first time they ever flew in a plane and they were SO excited. It was actually the first time dh and I had flown together in a plane since our eldest was just 3 months old, over 18 years ago! LOL So I guess we were pretty excited too. I had not flown in quite a few years, I think it was about 15 years ago. When I was younger I used to fly quite often, as all our family is in the Netherlands. It was always exciting. This was just a 1.5 hour flight but it was a ton of fun and a great experience non the less!
We had a great time! The younger kids had lots of fun with us, and the older two complained about being bored at home alone because they weren’t allowed to go anywhere. LOL This was the first time we had left them in charge of the homestead. Actually, the homestead is the main reason we haven’t been away for a vacation in so long. It’s one thing when you have a cat and maybe a dog or two. It’s a whole other story with five horses, 3 dogs, 3 cats and other ‘farm’ animals. LOL So when the eldest two suggested we go away WITHOUT them, at first that seemed like a very foreign concept but then we realized that life does change, children grow up and we may as well enjoy it rather then fight it. The eldest two are going away to their friends wedding in May, so they didn’t feel the need to come along on this vacation. They preferred to prove they are ‘grown up‘ now instead. lol
Vacation is fun, but it’s always nice to come home too. Now, just a week later, it almost feels like we were never gone. lol
I thought I’d share some recent custom order photos.
I always love looking over custom photos as it shows just how very different each of our customers are!
A petite custom, Ultimate regular flow and thong liners;

UltiMini, Ultimini xs, mini Poppetjie blankies, regular wrap wing and a couple of swirl tiny liners.

Teeny Ultimate’s, Light comfort contour and tiny liners.

Two UltiMini’s

Natural Beauty package

Postpartum and beyond package with nursing pads.

UltiMini and Heavy Wrap wings with zorb! These are super absorbent pads!

Postpartum order, UltiMax Supers, UltiMax, regular wrap wing and a Poppetjie blankie.

Nursing Pad custom order

Heavy Wrap wing, UltiMini and UltiMini xs pads.

Heavy wrap wings, ultimini, regular wrap wings, ultimini xs and teeny ultimates!

Ultimate Pads, Ultimate II, Ultimate Heavy Flow, Regular Wrap wing and Ultimate Regular Flow

Postpartum package

Some more nursing pads, with milk.stops

Super bright petite custom order.

UltiMini’s, regular wrap wing, ultimate regular flow, teeny ultimates, light comfort contours and tiny liners!

More heavy wrap wing with zorb!

That’s all the custom order photos for now!
And remember, if you are not yet a fan on facebook, head on over there now! Once we hit 500 fans we will be drawing TWO HUNDRED dollars in prizes!
The top prize is a ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR gift certificate for ANYTHING we sell, instock or custom orders!
We have 278 fans so far, so we really aren’t all that far off. I know we can do it! 🙂
And just a note for those of you who may have missed it, we are no longer stocking on Tuesday evenings. With this stocking time, I was constantly working on the weekends getting the last minute things finished, snapping photos, editing and listing. This just wasn’t working out for my family, which it really shouldn’t. Families need time together, to play, and even to rest. We’re also now stocking at TWO congo’s, LilyPadLanding AND Revolution. Both stock on Thursday evenings, each one twice a month, which means TWO stockings a week for Homestead Emporium. The thought of spending TWO evenings a week putting up listings was putting me into a bit of a panick. Each Homestead Emporium stocking requires about 5-7 hours just listing items for sale. The congo stockings require about 2-3 hours. This would mean I’d have TWO evening’s a week of doing listings on top of my regular sewing times each afternoon after we finish our homeschooling. That just wasn’t sitting well with me. So this is the perfect solution. Now I am able to stock the congo AND the regular shop all in one night, Wednesday nights, and it gives our customers time to browse our regular shop for two days before everything goes “live”. I like this idea and I think that once we are all accustomed to the change, it will work out well for everyone. Most importantly though, my family will once again have mama back to themselves on the weekends (as I sit here typing on my biz blog on a Sunday afternoon LOL!)
In other news, simply because this post isn’t yet long enough (ha ha!) I wanted to share something I learned recently. For almost two years now, I’ve been experiencing shoulder pain. My dr said it was the same thing a baseball player would have, and it was due to sewing/serging so much. Thankfully, I’ve got a pretty high pain tolerance so I simply lived with it and carried on. Every once in a while it would get bad enough that I would take something for the pain, but then the pain pills would upset my stomach. I really hate feeling ill, more so then being in pain, so I just sucked it up and kept on sewing/serging.
A while back a friend had mentioned tumeric, and how wonderful it is. A few years back I had been told by our holistic dentist to take tumeric for a few weeks before, and after, having some dental work done. I believe he said it was highly recommended for fighting infection and I recalled just how great I had felt that entire winter, despite all the dental problems I had been having. So I looked into tumeric again after my friend mentioned it may help with my shoulder and I began to take it. Sure enough, within the week I now have almost full mobility of my shoulder once again and my pain has gone from about an 8 out of 10, to probably about a FOUR! For the first time in almost two years, I can actually raise my arm to put my hair up in a ponytail without excruciating pain! I can sleep without being woken up by the pain. Even my mind feels clearer because it’s not constantly battling the pain! What a miracle!
So if you suffer from pain, inflammation of any kind, infection of some sort, take a look at tumeric and read up about it for yourself. I found in my research that it is also good for those with digestive problems, liver problems and there have been studies done targeting certain types of cancer. Well worth taking a look at tumeric.
As a side note, I first attempted to take it in powder form, in my daily smoothy. Yuck. lol I’m now taking it in a gel form, much easier. lol
And that’s my tip for anyone suffering from pain. It’s not fun, do some research, and see if tumeric might help you! And please remember, this is simply MY opinion/findings. Do your own research, talk to your dr, whatever you need to do to keep you healthy, and safe. In my findings, they said it is not recommended for pregnant women, or those nursing, so be forewarned please. Each person needs to find out for themselves, through their own research, if any herb or medicine will be right for them. 🙂