Revolution-a sudden or marked change in something
Resolution-the act of determining upon an action or course of action
The word resolution is used a lot this time of year. New Year’s Resolutions. Goals, desires, ambitions, dreams, things we want to attain and have yet to do. So much we want to accomplish, do, change, be, and become.
Along with a new year always comes thoughts, deep thoughts of the year now passing us, and the year to come.
This New Year, I want to create a challenge, for our customers.
Are you up for a challenge?
Homestead Emporium has always had one MAIN product line, and that has been our menstrual products.
Menstrual products are not something that ‘mainstream society’ often talks about. Yes, in some ‘circles’ it is considered acceptable. Yet, many women, young and old, are still feeling shy about sharing their choices, and why they’ve come to the choices they have made.
We often encourage our customers to leave feedback on the site, whether it be our main site under feedback, or in the feedback section of our cart
Our main reason for this is because we want women to know, that using cloth pads, is not as scary as it might first seem!
Yes, the fact that it also helps others make a decision as to ‘where’ to buy their cloth pads is a bonus too, but it is VERY important to us that the word be spread that cloth pads are great!
Tomorrow brings in the New Year, 2010.
With the New Year, we want to bring YOU a challenge!
As any of our customers who have been with us for a while know, we had announced quite some time ago a big contest we were having in which we asked our customers to try and guess the date our homestead would sell. Well… those dates are long over, and our home has not sold, and in the meantime we’ve decided to stop for a bit, do some more renovations before we go back at it once again.
However, we still have the issue of the big $100.00 gift certificate prize we wanted to give away!
So, with the New Year, I decided I wanted to rally our customers to a challange! I want to challenge each and every one of you to become bold in your use of cloth pads. YOU are making a difference in the world! Be proud of that difference, open up, share it with your friends!
This is a challenge to me too! Believe it or not, my husband is MUCH more vocal and open about the business then I have ever been! When people ask me what our business is, I usually respond with, “We create organic cloth products for the family.” Which is true, however, my husband usually replies with, “We make and sell women’s cloth pads.”
He is braver then I.
I’m often concerned that I’ll gross someone out. I’m the type that likes to ‘ease’ it into a conversation when the timing feels right. Not him. He simply says it like it is. He’s been sharing this info since I first started selling cloth pads and he’s never been embarrassed to share about it openly. It does not matter to him WHO asks the question either, younger, older, friend, stranger, women, and men alike, all recieve the same response.
So this year I am challenging myself to be bold and brave like my husband, but I don’t want to do it alone. I want you all to join me!
I shall reward you for being brave with me though! We shall walk this path TOGETHER!
We promised a $100.00 gift certificate for the contest that never had the opportunity to happen.
For this contest however, I’ve decided not to give away ONE $100.00 gift certificate, but to spread the love and
ALSO give away TWO $25.00 gift certificates
AND FIVE $10.00 gift certificates!
Yes, that is EIGHT Gift Certificates totalling $200.00 in FREE products!!
What must you do to enter the contest?
It’s very simple. If you have not done so yet, join us on our facebook fan page!
Try the link on the right hand side here, if that does not work for you, go to our cart and click on the facebook link at the very bottom of the page.
If you twitter, join us there too!
Then, tell your friends and your family how proud you are of the change you are making for the earth, and for your own body!! Share with them how comfortable cloth pads are, and how EASY they are to take care of! My best friend keeps a pad to show anyone who comes to her house, so they can see for themselves how soft they are! Ha ha! No one can argue that bamboo velour is certainly nicer to the touch then paper or plastic!
After you tell your friends and family, ask them to join us on facebook!
Once we have reached 500 fans, we will have random drawings for all EIGHT prizes!
I know some of you are thinking “500 fans?!!?”
We can do it! I KNOW we can! Just the other day we had a contest for our facebook fans that once we reached 200 fans, we’d have a drawing and we reached well past 200 fans very quickly! I believe in you all! I know you can be brave! If “I” can be brave, you all can!
It’s time for a revolution in our thinking. Being good to the earth and to our own bodies is something to be PROUD of, not something to hide! Periods are normal, not scary! Let’s make cloth pads ‘normal’ too!!
Now onto some more business news that we are VERY excited about!
Tomorrow we will be stocking, for the very first time in a brand new congo! We are very proud to be a part of this wonderful group, called, amazingly enough, Revolution!
Are you ready for a Revolution?
Our motto is:
How awesomely fitting!
Come see us, and the other wonderful artisans participating, here
We have a collaboration with SMJAE:
A Pad and Dundie set:
Some Ultimate style Pads
A tiny liner package
And, to help you in your quest to make changes, a Free For Shipping tiny liner!
So come join us tomorrow!
Auctions and drawings go live at 12pm EST, everything else goes live at 9pm EST!
We hope to see you then!
In the meantime, don’t forget to spread the word! Join us on facebook and twitter!