Reusable Cloth Pads – Why do you make so many different styles & sizes?
This question is asked quite often.
If you are new to using cloth pads, all the choices can be quite confusing. To answer the question very simply, I create so many styles & sizes, because all of us are so very different and unique!

The disposable world of period products has many accustomed to more of a ‘one size fits all’ standard, however, in the reusable cloth pad world the possibilities are rather endless! SO many of us have very different cycle stories, and very different needs, and with cloth pads all of those needs can be accommodated!

MANY of our customers have a very heavy flow and Homestead Emporium has become quite well known worldwide for the quality of our heavy flow pads over the past 20 years. |
~Homestead Emporium’s Heavy Flow Pads are offered in lengths of 11” all the way up to 20” with absorbency intended for a heavy flow, very heavy flow, and an extreme heavy flow.
Over the years I’ve had many scoff at that longest length, and to those of you who can not understand why anyone would ever need a 20” long pad, I suggest that you may want to wait until after you’ve hit menopause to ever wonder and scoff. Perhaps you can not imagine ever needing a pad that size now, but things can change. For some, a heavy period is all they’ve ever known. For myself, my cycle has been heavy and painful since my teen years. I have had endometriosis and cysts. Even so, in my younger years I could get away with an 11” heavy flow pad, until that began to change and then it seemed my cycles just got heavier and heavier the closer I got to menopause age. Now at 53, I still have regular periods, but they seem to be changing again and decreasing ever so slightly. I still use the 20” pads on my heaviest days and nights because I know I’ll be well covered any time my flow decides to go rogue.

If you also suffer from a heavy flow, you will want to check out our heavy flow pads, which start at 11” and longer. These including the following; 11” Heavy Wrap Wing Pad, the 12.25” UltiMini Pad, the 14” UltiMini pad, the 15” UltiMax Slim Pad, the 16.25 UltiMax Pad, the 18” MegaMax Pad and then the 20” MegaLuxe Pad.
Each of these pads has been designed with absorbency specifically for a heavy flow, but which size you will need will depend on just how heavy your flow is, and also if your flow tends to gush, wander, etc.. The 11”-15” pads are all designed for a moderately heavy flow. For super heavy flow to extreme heavy flow, the 16”-20” options are better suited with even more absorbency and greater coverage.

To view most of our Heavy Flow Pads, you can find some photos and descriptions at this link on our website, click on the photos to see the backs of the pads snapped up:
~Homestead Emporium’s Moderate Flow Pads are most similar in length to store bought disposable pads and come in lengths of 8” to 11” and include the following; 8” SHORT Regular Flow Comfort Contour Pad, 9.5” Regular Flow Wrap Wing Pad, 9.5” Comfort Contour Pad, 9.5” Ultimate Regular Flow Pad, 9.5” UltiMini xxs Pad, 10” UltiMini xs Pad and the 11” UltiMini Pad.
Each of these sizes have been created for moderate/regular flow days.

To view most of our Moderate/Regular Flow Pads, you can find some photos and descriptions at this link on our website, click on the photos to see the backs of the pads snapped up:
~Homestead Emporium’s Light Flow Pads/PantiLiners are best for light flow days when your flow is almost over, for daily protection to keep you feeling dry, or if you have issues with light incontinence. Our light pads/pantiliners also work great as a backup for those who use a menstrual cup or tampons. Many of us have minor ‘leaking’ problems when we cough, or sneeze etc., and pantiliners can be a wonderful help.

Our sizes and styles of light pads/pantiliners come in lengths of 5.75” -8” and include the following; 5.75” HalfWrap, 6” Thong Liner, 6” TinyLiner, 7” PantyWrap, 7” TinyLiner, 7” Ultimate PantyWrap, 8” Contoured Liner, 8” Wrap Wing Liner *(For heavier incontinence issues, I suggest getting in touch with me directly to discuss the best options for your needs. Incontinence flow is not the same as a period flow and does need the correct absorbency, layering and waterproof backing fabrics to truly work well)

If you’ve never tried reusable cloth pads, but would like to, I recommend giving light pads/pantiliners a try. It’s an easy first step to using cloth pads! Give them a try on days when your period hasn’t started yet, but you’re concerned that it may start soon and you really don’t want to waste disposable pads that you’ll just throw away. Also great for keeping you feeling dry and for light incontinence issues that so many of us have! You will find that quality reusable cloth pads will be SO much more comfortable than paper and plastic liners! Most often, you will never go back to disposables once you make that first step!
*That’s exactly what happened to me over 20 years ago!
I realised there were a lot of days each month that I used light pads/pantiliners for light incontinence and ‘just in case’ my cycle started. I was tired of throwing away so many disposables every month. With five kids, including twin babies and a toddler in diapers at the time, I wanted to figure out how to save some money. I decided that even though I felt cloth pads seemed gross for my period flow, and I just wasn’t sure I’d be ok with washing bloody pads, surely I could at least try cloth for the non-period days. Well… let me tell you… When my first cycle arrived, after using cloth liners for a couple of weeks, and I had to put on a plastic sticky sweaty disposable period pad… I just about could not STAND the feeling! Cloth pads were SO MUCH MORE comfortable than those horrible disposables! I got right to work making myself some period pads, because suddenly, washing cloth pads just didn’t seem horrible anymore compared to the uncomfortableness I was feeling wearing a disposable pad again. I had experienced the difference that soft comfortable cloth pads made, and there was no way I could go back to disposables EVER again! And as they say, the rest was history! So began the success story of Homestead Emporium Reusable Cloth pads.

To view most of our Light Flow Pads/PantiLiners, you can find some photos and descriptions at this link on our website, click on the photos to see the backs of the pads snapped up too:
For more information about most of Homestead Emporium’s Reusable Pads, check out this page on our website:
To shop our products, visit us at our Etsy shop here:
*This article is meant to help those seeking information about switching to Homestead Emporium reusable cloth pads. For even more information about choosing the right sizes & styles I have another article on the blog here: