• Minimal stocking this week

    We may not be stocking this week. We’ve had quite a few house showings and with each one, we loose two days of sewing/work. One day while cleaning, the next day while we’re out of the house for the showings. Between this, schooling and the regular busyness of summertime, this week isn’t looking all that good for a regular stocking.

    We are hopeful that we can get some nursing pads put up in the shop since we’ve had quite a few emails (and comments here lol) that more are needed and I do hope to get some more EnduraPads up and maybe even a few hand dyed bv pads but I just can’t make any promises. We may split up the big Post Partum Eclectic Rainbow package. I was hoping it’d be perfect for someone needing a full stash at once but so far it’s not to be, so I’ll be splitting it up and listing them as seperate and pairs of pads as well. This way, they will go to many homes. I like that idea too. 🙂

    Later this week I’ll be doing the draw for the twitter/facebook contest: http://homesteademporium.wordpress.com/2009/05/10/celebrate-mothers-day-with-20-off-1-day-only/

    This is your last chance to enter. 🙂

  • LOTS in stock, previewing for Thursday evening.

    Come visit us at Homestead Emporium’s instock shop and Lily Pad Landing tomorrow (Thursday) evening for LOTS of new stock in a great variety of fabrics.

    First off, at Homestead Emporium’s instock shop we have everything from swirl dyed tiny liners to beautifully dyed Ultimate pads.
    Here’s just a small sampling.

    Tiny Liners

    Swirl Package

    Minkee Topped

    Carnival Swirl


    Patriot Swirl

    Monet-Water Lilies in organic cotton velour (this is the one some of you requested in a previous post of Custom Ultimate Pads

    Nursing pads

    And at Lily Pad Landing this week:


    More swirls


    And more nursing pads


    We hope to see you tomorrow evening. 8pm at our instock shop, and 9 pm at LilyPadLanding. 🙂

  • This week’s stocking

    We are going to delay this week’s stocking to Thursday evening. We’ve  I believe we’ll be stocking at both our hyenacart, AND Lily Pad Landing. To make up for the delay, we’ll try to make it a good one! 😉

    I’ll have photo’s to share by Wednesday evening, providing we don’t have more showings between now and then. Ha!

    To those who said they love the fabric used for the Ultimate Pads in the previous post, I believe we will be stocking one or two pads in that fabric. If I have time, I may try and add a few more to the list. 🙂

  • This week's stocking

    We are going to delay this week’s stocking to Thursday evening. We’ve  I believe we’ll be stocking at both our hyenacart, AND Lily Pad Landing. To make up for the delay, we’ll try to make it a good one! 😉

    I’ll have photo’s to share by Wednesday evening, providing we don’t have more showings between now and then. Ha!

    To those who said they love the fabric used for the Ultimate Pads in the previous post, I believe we will be stocking one or two pads in that fabric. If I have time, I may try and add a few more to the list. 🙂

  • Custom orders

    It’s been a while since I’ve shared some photos of recent custom orders, so here we are!

    Rustic Ranch colorway

    Swirl dyed wool backed and more

    Post Partum custom, Homestead Colorway

    Nursing Pad custom

    Organic cotton velour  topped & hemp fleece backed Ultimate Pad custom

    Organic cotton velour custom

    and for the same customer, some bamboo velour regular pads in Rustic Ranch and Valley Farm.

    That’s it for this week!
    Thanks for looking! 🙂

  • This week’s stock is up!

    We’ve had an extremely busy week, thus a smaller stocking then usual. Three house showings in 24 hours, 4 showings in 6 days. That means three days of interupted sewing time! Yikes. ha ha!

    However, we managed to get everything done that we planned to have done anyways, all our customs customers should be hearing from us with photos of their orders within the next 48 hours (those custom orders that are due, not our most recent batch of customs).

    We received some new fabrics this week, and it inspired me to get cutting. My eldest daughter has been away helping out my mom while recovering from surgery, this means my ‘helper’ was not here to help. I think I did pretty good on my own though, and I’m happy with this week’s stocking. 🙂

    My favorites this week, Swirl dye meets wool.

    And some more Swirl dyed goodness, with waterproof fleece.


    The forecast says Blue Skies ahead with these minkee regular comfort contours.

    These Ultimate pads are aptly named “Tidal Wave”, that could have more then one meaning with such large pads!

    These Bold and Beautiful pads are sure to keep you well covered too! With an extra layer of zorb for extra absorption.

    For the nursing and expecting mamas, we’ve got some pretty nursing pads this week!

    There’s lots more to see, and we still have stock available at www.hyenacart.com/LilyPadLanding this week also.
    Things were so busy on Thursday with the two showings that I didn’t get a chance to blog about our stocking, but there’s some gorgeous things there! Everything from yarn, to diapers, to playsilks,  to jewelery, to pads, to kitchen cloths!

    So join us tomorrow evening (Tuesday), 8 pm at www.hyenacart.com/HomesteadEmporium
    We hope to see you there!

  • This week's stock is up!

    We’ve had an extremely busy week, thus a smaller stocking then usual. Three house showings in 24 hours, 4 showings in 6 days. That means three days of interupted sewing time! Yikes. ha ha!

    However, we managed to get everything done that we planned to have done anyways, all our customs customers should be hearing from us with photos of their orders within the next 48 hours (those custom orders that are due, not our most recent batch of customs).

    We received some new fabrics this week, and it inspired me to get cutting. My eldest daughter has been away helping out my mom while recovering from surgery, this means my ‘helper’ was not here to help. I think I did pretty good on my own though, and I’m happy with this week’s stocking. 🙂

    My favorites this week, Swirl dye meets wool.

    And some more Swirl dyed goodness, with waterproof fleece.


    The forecast says Blue Skies ahead with these minkee regular comfort contours.

    These Ultimate pads are aptly named “Tidal Wave”, that could have more then one meaning with such large pads!

    These Bold and Beautiful pads are sure to keep you well covered too! With an extra layer of zorb for extra absorption.

    For the nursing and expecting mamas, we’ve got some pretty nursing pads this week!

    There’s lots more to see, and we still have stock available at www.hyenacart.com/LilyPadLanding this week also.
    Things were so busy on Thursday with the two showings that I didn’t get a chance to blog about our stocking, but there’s some gorgeous things there! Everything from yarn, to diapers, to playsilks,  to jewelery, to pads, to kitchen cloths!

    So join us tomorrow evening (Tuesday), 8 pm at www.hyenacart.com/HomesteadEmporium
    We hope to see you there!

  • New stock, and we’re having so much fun!

    We’ve got new stock, set to go live this evening at 8pm EST, 5 pm for those of us in the west!

    My favorite listing this week is the Eclectic Rainbow “Anything Goes” Custom slot.

    Perfect for anyone really wanting to add some color into their stash, for some one wanting to give cloth pads a try, or even for the one who knows just what they need but can’t seem to snag it each week when we stock. Our Eclectic Rainbow colorway is a new fav.
    This week as we near the completion of earlier custom orders, we’re offering up some more custom slots in the Selah dyed colorways, Homestead, Valley Farm and Rustic Ranch. Again, these custom slots are perfect for those looking to add pads to their stash that might not be in the shop at this time, or for anyone looking for an entire stash, or to complete an existing one.

    We have a sample package available this week. We would like to keep these instock more often, as they are a great way to give a variety of pads a try but for now, we just have the one in Cocoa Bean.

    Need some ‘extra’ in your pads just to get you through those really heavy flow times? Why not give a pad with ‘zorb’ a try?

    Our Denim Comfort heavy wrap wing pads this week have an additional layer of zorb inside. All our pads with zorb now have an extra row stitching along the sides/center so our customers are able to see a difference between their H.E.R. regular pads with the natural cotton/bamboo inners, and their H.E.R. pads with zorb.

    We have several sets of swirl dyed pads this week in a variety of colors.

    Teeny Ultimates

    Mint Chocolate Regular Comfort Contour

    Thong liners

    Ultimate Regular Flow-this set has an extra layer of organic cotton fleece, at no extra cost to you!
    Great for those who need just that little ‘extra’ in their pads.

    Tiny Liners

    Heavy Comfort Contour

    There’s lots more color to see instock, so come join us at 8pm EST tonight!


    As for the having fun part!

    Our family is having tons of fun reading everyone’s guesses and comments for our Win a $100.00 Gift Certificate Contest!
    Thank you to everyone for entering, and keep those guesses coming! 🙂


    Also, don’t forget about our “join twitter & facebook” contest, still on now. You can find more details at the lower half of this post here:


    Enjoy, have fun, and we hope to see you tonight! 🙂

  • New stock, and we're having so much fun!

    We’ve got new stock, set to go live this evening at 8pm EST, 5 pm for those of us in the west!

    My favorite listing this week is the Eclectic Rainbow “Anything Goes” Custom slot.

    Perfect for anyone really wanting to add some color into their stash, for some one wanting to give cloth pads a try, or even for the one who knows just what they need but can’t seem to snag it each week when we stock. Our Eclectic Rainbow colorway is a new fav.
    This week as we near the completion of earlier custom orders, we’re offering up some more custom slots in the Selah dyed colorways, Homestead, Valley Farm and Rustic Ranch. Again, these custom slots are perfect for those looking to add pads to their stash that might not be in the shop at this time, or for anyone looking for an entire stash, or to complete an existing one.

    We have a sample package available this week. We would like to keep these instock more often, as they are a great way to give a variety of pads a try but for now, we just have the one in Cocoa Bean.

    Need some ‘extra’ in your pads just to get you through those really heavy flow times? Why not give a pad with ‘zorb’ a try?

    Our Denim Comfort heavy wrap wing pads this week have an additional layer of zorb inside. All our pads with zorb now have an extra row stitching along the sides/center so our customers are able to see a difference between their H.E.R. regular pads with the natural cotton/bamboo inners, and their H.E.R. pads with zorb.

    We have several sets of swirl dyed pads this week in a variety of colors.

    Teeny Ultimates

    Mint Chocolate Regular Comfort Contour

    Thong liners

    Ultimate Regular Flow-this set has an extra layer of organic cotton fleece, at no extra cost to you!
    Great for those who need just that little ‘extra’ in their pads.

    Tiny Liners

    Heavy Comfort Contour

    There’s lots more color to see instock, so come join us at 8pm EST tonight!


    As for the having fun part!

    Our family is having tons of fun reading everyone’s guesses and comments for our Win a $100.00 Gift Certificate Contest!
    Thank you to everyone for entering, and keep those guesses coming! 🙂


    Also, don’t forget about our “join twitter & facebook” contest, still on now. You can find more details at the lower half of this post here:


    Enjoy, have fun, and we hope to see you tonight! 🙂

  • Win a $100.00 Gift Certificate!

    Yes, you read that right!

    Homestead Emporium is going to be giving one of you, a $100.00 Gift Certificate for our shop!

    Why, you ask?

    Well… we here at Homestead Emporium, would like to play a game and we want lots of participants!
    That’s where you all come in!

    As some of you already know, we are trying to sell our hobby farm so that we can obtain our life long dream of a ‘real’ farm, a much larger farm. The waiting is starting to become a little unendurable. It’s been almost 2  years  off and on now (I mistakenly put almost 3 years, but dh reminded me we first actually listed the house 2 years ago, that we started getting ready to sell, 3 years ago) and I think it’s time to have some fun with this whole waiting ‘game’. You know what they say… “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Well, I’m no good at making lemonade, but I make a pretty darn good pad and many other great organic family products too, so I thought since I can’t  possibly invite you all over for some lemonade, why not offer up some products, for free?!

    This ‘waiting’ is what got me to thinking. This has been some what like a pregnancy, a very LOONNNGGG pregnancy mind you. Even my longest pregnancy at exactly 42 weeks didn’t feel quite as long as this waiting has been going on! But we’ve hung in there, and we’re still hanging in there, however this year feels different. We’ve had quite a few people out to look at the place who really seem to be looking for what we have to offer here. This has given us renewed hope!

    With that in mind, I started thinking about how much fun it is to play the guessing game when a woman is expecting a baby! And I thought to myself… “Why not have a Guess the Closing /Sale Date, game?!”
    So then my husband and I discussed what type of prize to give away. At first I said 50.00, but he said, “nah, that’s not enough if someone wants a post partum package, or is in need of the larger pads” (yes, my dh talks pads and yes, I realise that may not seem ‘normal’ to some but he doesn’t care. lol) So I suggested $100.00 to the winner then, and he agreed this was a good prize. 🙂 Then he said he didn’t think I should have the contest, seeing as our track record is 2 years off and on of an unsold house. He worried  that I may look a little silly if the house doesn’t sell, but I assured him that I am quite accustomed to looking the fool in life, and quite comfortable playing that role. I figure if I can’t have fun with these types of things, then what’s the point?! It’s either laugh, or cry, and I’m just not much of a crier! So I’ll make up some fun instead. 😉

    How do you enter this contest?

    Simply post here, your best guess, as to what our closing date will be for the sale of our house/hobby farm!

    What are the rules?
    How will you be sure that someone will actually win if our house remains for sale forever???

    This was a question I had to ask myself of course. With our previous ‘non-sale’ for the past almost two years, there is a chance that maybe the house won’t sell this year either! If that’s the case, then we will end this contest on the last day of September, and we will draw a winner from all those who have entered the contest! There will indeed be a winner, no matter if the house sells or not!

    So give us your best guess!
    But first, here are some tips.
    The contest will close by September 30th, and we’ll likely take our home off the market shortly after that if it doesn’t sell by that time. Because of this,  it would be wise to guess a date between now, May 17th,  and November 30th. That’s about as late a closing date as we’d be able to accept, for this year. Anything between May 16th 2009 and November 30th 2009 is fair game! You pick a date and mark it as yours. If more then one person chooses the winning date, we will draw between those names for the winner.

    The winner will be the person who guesses the closing date. This is the date that we leave this property and hand it over to the new owners. Because we are waiting upon those new owners to ‘arrive’, it will be up to them to decide on that date, it will not be our decision so your guess, is as good as ours and that’s what makes this so much fun!

    As usual, if you would like to enter our contest again, then spread the word!
    Just leave a second comment, with a second date AND a link to where you spread the word about our $100.00 gift certificate give away! It’s that easy! You can spread the word on your own blog, your twitter, your facebook, your favorite message board, where ever you please! It’s that easy. :


    Onto other news!

    We have stocked the shop! We’ve got gorgeous “Eclectic Rainbow” packages, including The Ultimate Post Partum Package!

    “Royalty” Sampler Package

    “Teeny” Ultimate Package

    “Deep” Light Pads

    And a whole lot more!

    Come and check it out and see all the previews, then come back and shop on Tuesday evening at 8pm EST, 5pm PST!

    We hope to see you then! 🙂