We will be leaving our previous contest open for the rest of the week as we’d love to hear more from our customers. Thanks so much for all the feedback so far everyone! 🙂
I hope to have some polls put up by next week, asking questions about your cycle etc.. These will be annonymous polls with questions like;
“How many days does your period last?”
“How many days from the beginning of one cycle to the next cycle?”
“Do you suffer from cramps?”
Questions such as these, and your answers, will help us learn more about how to help others. Especially for the book/booklet we’ll be putting together for teens or those starting out in the world of cloth. 🙂
In new news, we have our new stock up and previewing for tomorrow night! Come take a look, www.hyenacart.com/HomesteadEmporium
This has been a bit of a crazy week. First we had to take our older computer into the shop to be worked on, in hopes that we can keep it going for a while longer yet. It’s 4 years old, but still quite reliable and a great back up. Well wouldn’t you know, my computer decided it ALSO wanted to make a trip to the shop! Suddenly it didn’t like the mouse anymore, or any mouse for that matter, and I was left with a computer that only worked partially, and was behaving very tempermentally at that! So into the shop went that computer. I have yet to find out what is wrong with it. In good news though, I do have the old computer home again and it’s working well enough to keep things going, if not as smoothly as usual.
This week’s stocking, you may notice the photos aren’t quite as large as usual. This old computer doesn’t seem to like my larger photos and would not let me upload my photos onto my regular photo hosting site. So we had to compromise and work with smaller photos this time. Hopefully you’ll still be able to get a good look at our products. 🙂 I really hope to have my computer back by the end of the week, hopefully in time for next week’s stocking.
This old computer also decided it did not like the printer, so I spent an evening convincing it that the printer really wasn’t all that scary and finally by the next morning it was willing to work as a team. Thankfully they are working well together now, and I’ve been able to print out orders and shipping labels once again. I was beginning to get awfully worried at the thought of having no working printer for the next week… phew…
So we move on, the store is stocked and there’s a variety of goodies for everyone. 🙂
Here’s a few of my favs from this week’s stocking.
Berry Burst Ultimate Regular Flow Pads

“Playful” Ultimate Pads, I love the combination of these hand dyed velours & this fleece!

And last but not least, some of my favorite hand dyed bamboo velour. The lovely Jenn, formerly of Celtic Cloths dyed this for me. This is the last of the fabric she sent me. I’m so sad to see it go. It was very tempting to hide these in my own stash… Set of two Medium Comfort Contour with a fabulous trim pink waterproof fleece.

There’s lots more where these came from, and we’ve also sent along a listing to Vinh Thi Designs. A fellow mama (who has 8 young children) has lost her husband and everyone is pitching in to help her however we can. We’ve got a special swirl dyed set of pads which will be listed some time in the next few days. If you like our swirl dyed pads, please consider bidding on this listing. It’s for a very good cause and all the proceeds will go directly to this mama. If you can help in any other way, they are also accepting paypal donations.
The details are here: http://hyenacart.com/VinhThiDesigns/index.php?c=37&p=51247
Our listing should be up on this page some time soon: http://hyenacart.com/VinhThiDesigns/index.php?c=37
We thank you for all you can do to help.