• Celebrating Classic Toys at LilyPadLanding.com

    Before the Wii, before cable TV or the internet, children could be found on a warm summer day riding their tricycles up the sidewalk, pushing their teddy bears in prams and playing hopscotch with their baby dolls. Join the artisans at Lilypad Landing tonight at 9pm EST as we celebrate classic toys!

    Homestead Emporium celebrates classic toys this stocking with mini “Guess How Much I Love You” Poppetjie Blankies for baby/child and gorgeous “classic” colors for Mama in pretty packages!

    From Tush – ride in style with a classic bikes fitted diaper and a pair of Dundies made with your little guy in mind.

    Zany Zebra Designs relives the pony craze with an adorable Pretty Pony
    appliqued diaper. Perfect for your pony-loving girl!

    What’s more classic than a baby doll and a bear? Choose a special
    friend for your special one from Hillcountry Dollmaker.

    Varooom! Vintage tricyles, airplanes, and trains zoom across a cute custom wetbag set from Sweet Slings.

    Guess How Much I Love You

    Lite Brights

    My Pretty Ponies

    Join us tonight at 9pm EST! www.LilyPadLanding.com

  • The new stock is up and previewing for tonight!

    Lots of new goodies, fabrics and colors this week. We actually had the previews up on Saturday evening but I’m just getting around to posting about them now.


    Our new Teeny Ultimates (these are just 8.5 inches long and good for regular flow for those who prefer a shorter, more ‘discreet’ pad)

    One of my fav packages from this week, a rainbow of post partum/heavy flow pads.

    My other fav set from this week, a set of 4 Ultimate style pads.

    And I like this cocoa bean starter package as well. 😉

    We wanted a great variety of color this week, and I think we’ve accomplished that!

    There’s lots more to see at the cart!


    Thanks for looking! 🙂

  • Busy…busy…

    We’ve been busy this last while. Our home is back on the market again (I think I shared that already) so this always adds some extra fun. With a home listed, it always feels like you’re living in a glass house, everything needs to be as perfect as possible, all the time, just in case you get a phone call. Fun. 😉

    I didn’t have a chance to post previews last week, but some of what we listed for sale was more of what we had for sale the week before. Yes, we cheated, we had to. Extra time just isn’t to be found anywhere in the spring here on the hobby farm.
     The week before we made double the product in some of the same colorways, and listed those again to try and save us some time. This week though, we’ve got all new colors for your shopping (and viewing) pleasue. 🙂

    Here’s a sneak peek at some of this weeks colorways, just in time for spring.

    These remind me of spring, Easter, and all that I love about this time of the year!
    Each of these colors shown here is limited. We’re saving a little for our next LilyPadLanding stocking, but most of the rest will be listed this week in the hyenacart, and a few more over the next few weeks. We just had one cut of each of these hand dyed beauties, so once they are gone, they are gone.

    Our monthly subscribers will be receiving some pads in some of these lovely Spring colors! They should be showing up in the mail soon. 🙂 For some of you, this is your last month of your subscription, so we’ve thrown in a small gift, a little bit of luxury, for you to try. We hope you enjoy. 🙂

    That’s it for now! We’ll have previews up possibly Saturday evening for Tuesday’s stocking.
    We’ll see you then!


  • And the winner is….

    Michelle! Congratulations!!!!

    Thank you to everyone who entered our second chance contest and shared the links here at our blog. 🙂

    We appreciate you all spreading the word!

    Michelle, please contact me at homesteademporium(at)gmail(dot)com to claim your prize.

  • We're having TWO 20.00 GC Give Away's this week!

    Let’s have some more fun!
    We are giving away another $20.00 Gift Certificate!

    We are giving away a free and easy $20.00 Gift Certificate on our HYENACART, here: http://hyenacart.com/HomesteadEmporium/

    However, if you would like more chances to win, share the link to our contest there and then come back here and leave a comment with a link back to where YOU shared, for yet another chance to win another $20.00  Gift Certificate! You can share the link on your own blog, or a website, message board, face book, whatever you want!

    The winner of these drawings will each win a $20.00 gift certificate good at HomesteadEmporium instock shop, or even towards a custom order. It’s the winners choice!

    If you don’t use cloth pads, remember, That’s ok! We have more the cloth pads to offer you. We have reusable cotton balls, wash cloths, wipes, pacifier blankets, reusable hankies, burp cloths, VersaPads, square kitchen wash cloths and more!

    So enter today, tell you friends, and then enter again here at our blog by showing us where you shared.
    It’s that easy, for TWO chances to win!

    *Both contests (here, and on our blog) will close Saturday, March 14th.

    Now go check our all our new stock while you’re visiting over there! Everything goes live on Tuesday evening.

    This week we have a wonderful variety of just about everything. Everyone’s favorite Swirl dyed pads, Wool backed pads, super trim PUL backed pads, starter packages, sample packages galore, and more!

    Check it out, and be sure to enter our lottery. We’ll see you there!

    We would also like to announce the winner of our Teen Info Contest!

    The winner is… Grace!
    Grace, please email us at homesteademporium(at)gmail.com to discuss your $20.00 gift certificate!

    And thank you to everyone who replied. 🙂


    *Remember. To enter HERE for our second $20.00 gift certificate, you must share a link back, to where you have shared our hyenacart contest link. Entries without a link, will not be entered but are still more then welcome to enter our other contest with ‘no strings attached’ at the cart. This is simply a bonus contest for those who would like to spread the news. 🙂

  • Happenings this week at Homestead Emporium

    We will not be stocking this week.
    At the moment we are getting our home/hobby farm ready to put it back on the market and will be concentrating on this all week.
    We hope to have the shop well stocked again next week though, with a good variety of all our sizes and styles. 
    We have some new fabrics!
    Here’s a sneak peak at what Gigi from Natural Home Presents has sent us.
    We still have some of our previous favorites.
    And we may possibly have some swirl dyed pads from Pam of Indigo Onion as well.
    We will be sharing photos and more here on our blog later this week, along with a free & easy awesome contest with yet more prizes!If you have a teen daughter, or are a teen yourself, please come on over and share with us so we can help other teens. If you are feeling shy about sharing in ‘public’, don’t hesitate to email us at HomesteadEmporium(AT)gmail.com and we will be happy to post your info for you and you will still be entered in the draw!


    Our “Teen Info” Contest is still ongoing and we will announce the winner by Friday.
    Visit here to share your experiences & information: http://homesteademporium.wordpress.com/2009/02/24/new-stock-and-contest-info/

  • Stocking at LilyPadLanding.com tonight!

    Gorgeous things at LPL tonight!

    Our theme this week is “Wild Things”

    so we’ve got some hand dyed goodies sure to please your “wild” side!
    Hand dyed Silk in abundance!
    Love silk, but prefer some color to it?
    Now’s your chance.
    We don’t dye our silks often but we felt it was perfect for this theme!

    “Wild Berry”


    “Yellow Saphire”



    “Wild Thing” Wrap Wing Sample Package
    For those who need some Ultimate protection,
    our Ultimate Sampler Package in “Wild Berry”
    And, the very last of our “Zebra Minkee”
    Just enough for a pair of Thong Liners.

    And there’s more “Wild Things” for your pampering pleasure!
    So join us this evening at

    *And remember, Homestead Emporium prices at LPL
    include shipping in the US and Canada.

    Thanks for looking!

    There’s other pretty goodies created by fantastic work-at-home-mom’s
    in stock as well so be sure to check it all out tonight!

  • New stock and contest info.

    We will be leaving our previous contest open for the rest of the week as we’d love to hear more from our customers. Thanks so much for all the feedback so far everyone! 🙂

    I hope to have some polls put up by next week, asking questions about your cycle etc.. These will be annonymous polls with questions like;

    “How many days does your period last?”

    “How many days from the beginning of one cycle to the next cycle?”

    “Do you suffer from cramps?”

    Questions such as these, and your answers, will help us learn more about how to help others. Especially for the book/booklet we’ll be putting together for teens or those starting out in the world of cloth. 🙂

    In new news, we have our new stock up and previewing for tomorrow night! Come take a look, www.hyenacart.com/HomesteadEmporium

    This has been a bit of a crazy week. First we had to take our older computer into the shop to be worked on, in hopes that we can keep it going for a while longer yet. It’s 4 years old, but still quite reliable and a great back up. Well wouldn’t you know, my computer decided it ALSO wanted to make a trip to the shop!  Suddenly it didn’t like the mouse anymore, or any mouse for that matter, and I was left with a computer that only worked partially, and was behaving very tempermentally at that! So into the shop went that computer. I have yet to find out what is wrong with it. In good news though, I do have the old computer home again and it’s working well enough to keep things going, if not as smoothly as usual.

    This week’s stocking, you may notice the photos aren’t quite as large as usual. This old computer doesn’t seem to like my larger photos and would not let me upload my photos onto my regular photo hosting site. So we had to compromise and work with smaller photos this time. Hopefully you’ll still be able to get a good look at our products. 🙂 I really hope to have my computer back by the end of the week, hopefully in time for next week’s stocking.

    This old computer also decided it did not like the printer, so I spent an evening convincing it that the printer really wasn’t all that scary and finally by the next morning it was willing to work as a team. Thankfully they are working well together now, and I’ve been able to print out orders and shipping labels once again. I was beginning to get awfully worried at the thought of having no working printer for the next week… phew…

    So we move on, the store is stocked and there’s a variety of goodies for everyone. 🙂

    Here’s a few of my favs from this week’s stocking.

    Berry Burst Ultimate Regular Flow Pads

    “Playful” Ultimate Pads, I love the combination of these hand dyed velours & this fleece!

    And last but not least, some of my favorite hand dyed bamboo velour. The lovely Jenn, formerly of Celtic Cloths dyed this for me. This is the last of the fabric she sent me. I’m so sad to see it go. It was very tempting to hide these in my own stash… Set of two Medium Comfort Contour with a fabulous trim pink waterproof fleece.

    There’s lots more where these came from, and we’ve also sent along a listing to Vinh Thi Designs. A fellow mama (who has 8 young children) has lost her husband and everyone is pitching in to help her however we can. We’ve got a special swirl dyed set of pads which will be listed some time in the next few days. If you like our swirl dyed pads, please consider bidding on this listing. It’s for a very good cause and all the proceeds will go directly to this mama. If you can help in any other way, they are also accepting paypal donations.

    The details are here: http://hyenacart.com/VinhThiDesigns/index.php?c=37&p=51247
    Our listing should be up on this page some time soon: http://hyenacart.com/VinhThiDesigns/index.php?c=37

    We thank you for all you can do to help.

  • New stock, new product, and MORE fun!

    Introducing our newest product and come enter our contest to win a $20.00 gift certificate!