Category Archives: Women’s Corner

  • Taking a leap

    For many years now I’ve struggled with one thing that I can not seem to shake.

    If you’re up for it, stick around.
    The future could be a train wreck you won’t want to miss.
    Or… maybe… just maybe…
    You’ll see me learn to fly.

  • Some highlights from this week’s hyenacart stocking!

    I’m really good about sharing highlights on our facebook page, but the blog is often neglected. So, I thought this week I should share here too! These are just a handful of my favourites from this week’s stocking in our shop here:

  • Fabric Dyeing

    I thought I’d post a little about my dyeing process. If you’ve been around our facebook page ( you’ll know that I love to dye fabrics. I won’t go into details about my own little ‘tricks’ of the trade but I do know a lot of you would love to see some of my works in progress, and possibly even my dyeing ‘station’, so I figured I may as well share here on the blog. I seem to be a horrible blogger, always shareing on facebook in little spurts of info instead. It fits my busy days better, but doesn’t always give the full scope of things around here.

  • Contest time! I need help! Enter to WIN!

    Contest time! I need help! Enter to WIN!
    I need help naming a new product for our shop!
    Read further to find out how you could win THREE FREE Undies just for YOU!

  • New product- HalfWrap Liners!

    This week we have a new product debuting on our hyenacart, HalfWrap Liners!
    These little liners are the baby to our PantyWraps (both shown below).

  • It’s almost time for the Dragon’s Den!

    Anyone who knows me well, knows I have an entrepreneurial drive. Of course, this means I love shows like the Dragons Den here in Canada, and the Shark Tank in the US.

  • The making of a product here at the Homestead Emporium

    (This is a repost of an older blog post from when we were still back in BC, we’ve since moved to the prairies but not much has changed except our work space is completely different, and Alesia no longer cuts for me, but still works behind the scenes putting up all our etsy listings. I now have another helper, Heather, who does all our hyenacart listings and Julia has begun helping me with cutting now that she’s just about 13 years of age. She’s been waiting a VERY LONG TIME (in her short 13 years!) to be a bigger part of the business! I swear this girl is going to take over Homestead Emporium one day, so watch out!)

  • Let’s talk about- liners.

    When I posted about my thong liner being featured on regretsy, it was all in fun. However, in reading the many comments on both of the featured posts, about the thong liner, and WHY would anyone even need one, it’s caused me to realize that there seems to be a WHOLE lot of misconceptions about liners!

  • Disposable pads vs. cloth

    Disposable pads vs. cloth: There is no comparison.

  • I’ve decided to make the switch, now what?

    So you’ve decided that you’re finally going to do it!

    You’re going to make that big switch, the switch from disposable pads, to cloth pads.

    Now what?